Back pain is the number 2 reason for long term sickness in the UK and this figure translates across to Europe too.
According to the UK's HSE, it it the number 1 reason for lost working days in jobs involving manual labour.
It is estimated that at any given time 1% of the working population is off work through lower back pain alone.
One of the most common causes of back pain is poor posture as a result of a lifetime of small, habitual movements and positions we adopt through our work, home life, hobbies, sports and generally living. Left uncheck these can lead to discomfort, pain and lack of moblity which has a seriously detrimental effect on quality of life.
Sciatica, prolapsed discs, stiff neck and reduced spinal mobility, as well as aches and pains through the pelvis, lower back and shoulders are common symtpoms of poor posture.
While we do not claim to be able to compleletly correct postural mis-alignments, we can help you understand the changes that have occured, the impact that these has had on your body and provide you with mechanisms for making steps towards long term improvement.
Using slow, gentle, controlled movements specifically targeting your needs we will help you to help your body to work towards correct posture in everyday life as well as in more challenging actitives that you may undertake.
Pilates based exercises will strengthen and tone individual muscle groups providing natural protection for the while length of the spine.
With as few as two or three sessions these exercises will help to ease posture related back pain by encouraging body awareness and increasing the sterngth of the deep core muscles, the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles.
These sessions can take place at your home, with a partner at their home, outside if the wheather is good or in Les Montades at our premises. Wherever you feel most comfortable.