If you're a first-time client at BeeToned, you'll need to give us some information about your background, requirements and goals, your medical history and the nature of any conditions with which you are presenting. This is so that we can provide the best possible care, tailored to your specific circumstances. It is also important for you to meet us, to find out exactly what it is that we can do for you and whether we meet your needs.
We understand that for those clients who are in pain, struggling with long-term discomfort or apprehensive about starting exercise, perhaps for the first time in their life, starting on this journey may be daunting, you may be feeling vulnerable and you may not be sure if this is for you.
To make that easier for you, to provide reassurance and, should you so choose, provide an easy and comfortable way out before you have committed to anything, we insist on a pre-first session catch-up meeting.
We prefer this to be carried out face to face, at any venue that is mutually convenient, be that your home, Les Montades or even a coffee shop part way in between.
At this pre-first session catch-up you will be able to explain what you are looking for and hope to achieve, ask us any questions that you have and allow us to propose the sorts of things that we could work together on. We will cover frequency of appointment sessions, costs, venue and any other points that between us we wish to raise.
There is no charge for this meeting and you are under no obligation to make a booking with us.
We'll have some brief paperwork for you to fill in during the pre-first session catch-up which will provide us with general information about you and your general health and any conditions you are presenting with. We will also ask you to complete and sign a pre-exercise questionnaire, all of which will be fully explained during our pre-first session catch up.
We are not clinicians, and are not a substitute for visiting your doctor, chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist. We work as post-clinical practitioners. We are the people that your clinician would recommend you visit shortly before and after they discharge you, and indeed our instructors have worked with clinicians in exactly this way.
We take your back health extremely seriously and if, during your pre-first session meeting, we feel that you should speak to a clinician before working with us, we will make this recommendation before making any appointments with you.
For your reassurance, we take client confidentiality extremely seriously. All documents are confidential between you and your instructor. Any personal details included will be neither read nor discussed with anyone else, including other instructors, without your permission, and only if required for client handover.
All documents are stored electronically in password protected files and hard copies are then destroyed.
From 2018 our fees are set at a flat rate for all venues within a 40 minutes' drive of Les Montades.
We charge €30 per hour, or part thereof, of one to one teaching time (excluding the first pre-session catch-up which is always free).
For small groups (up to a maximum of four) there is a reduction per person rate, with the charge for two people being €50 per hour or part thereof and for three or four people it is €55 per hour or part thereof.
You can pay as you go, in which case we ask for payment at the end of each session or you can pay for a block of four sessions at the end of your first session, subject to confirmed dates being agreed. Please see also see our cancellation policy.
General classes from our timetable are between €10 and €15 per person per session depending on venue. The exact price will be displayed in the class details.
Payment is by cheque or cash.
Doing these exercises correctly is essential for effective progress and development. We do our very best to arrange our appointments around your schedule so that you are relaxed, comfortable and in the right frame of mind.
Generally speaking, we will try to meet with you for a free, pre-session conversation within a few days of you getting in touch. Session options for you will be discussed at this time, but typically we start with four once-a-week sessions of about an hour each.
Weekly sessions can continue for as long as you wish or you may, once we feel you are able to work safely without us, prefer to reduce the frequency to fortnightly and eventually to monthly if you wish.
During your sessions, you will be given instructions and advice on exercises to continue to do on your own.
For some of the exercises that we do, it is critical to ensure good form and posture for safe practice and to progress. It is unlikley that these will be recommended for you to do on your own. Instead, we will suggest alternatives which will be a variation on what you have done with us, and full instructions and demonstrations will be given.
We are always very happy to chat either on the phone, via email or Skype in between sessions to offer reassurance and guidance.
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions and that you may need to cancel a session. However, our instructors have tight time schedules and clients on wait lists.
If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment and reschedule to a convenient time within the same week (subject to an appointment being available) there will be no charge. If, however, you cancel within 48 hours and are not able to reschedule within the same week then the original appointment will be postponed by a week and a supplementary charge of €5 (per person for groups) will be payable.
If you cancel within 24 hours it will be at the instructor's discretion if you are offered an alternative appointment and will be subject to their prior commitments. If an alternative within the same week is not available then that week's session will be deemed to have been forfeit and no refund will be available. There will be a charge of €10 for the lost session for pay as you go clients.
If our instructors need to cancel an appointment an alternative will be offered during that week or a full refund will be made for that session.
We hope that you'll find the answers to many of your questions on our website. Do get in touch with us if you have anything you would like to ask.
Contact us to set up an appointment, and make a commitment to your well-being today!